Ogni acquisto che fai su www.brandgioielli.it implica l’accettazione da parte tua delle seguenti condizioni.

The website www.brandgioielli.com is managed by Jewit srl which is based in the Republic of San Marino.
These general conditions of sale (hereinafter only "General Conditions") govern the sale of products marketed by www.brandgioielli.com. All product purchases made through the website www.brandgioielli.com and according to the procedures indicated therein, will be governed by these General Conditions.
By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the terms and conditions (general and payment) transcribed below.

Purchase procedure
Per acquistare un articolo presente nel catalogo online è sufficiente cliccare sul carrello presente in ogni articolo perché questo venga inserito in un modulo d’ordine. Solo alla fine deciderete se confermare l’ordine.
L’ordine è effettuato mediante la conferma dello stesso ed è subordinato al pagamento del prezzo, delle imposte e delle eventuali spese di spedizione e di pagamento indicate nel modulo di riepilogo dell’ordine. Ciascun ordine inviato costituisce un’offerta per l’acquisto dei prodotti. Gli ordini sono soggetti alla disponibilità ed alla discrezionale accettazione del Titolare.
La Ricevuta di Elaborazione d’Ordine non costituisce accettazione dell’ordine. La conclusione del contratto avviene al momento dell’invio della Conferma d’Ordine Spedito da parte del Titolare all’indirizzo e-mail fornito dall’Utente. Il Titolare si riserva la possibilità di non confermare un ordine comunicando all’Utente, all’indirizzo e-mail associato al suo ordine, l’eventuale indisponibilità di uno o più dei prodotti acquistati. In questo caso il Titolare provvederà al rimborso del prezzo sostenuto dall’Utente.
Any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or things, caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order.
The Photographs associated with the products may not exactly reflect the appearance and information relating to the delivered product.
Tutti i prodotti messi in vendita su www.brandgioielli.com di norma sono presenti nel nostro magazzino. Tuttavia l’effettiva disponibilità di un prodotto è indicativa, in quanto più Utenti/Clienti possono acquistarlo nello stesso momento. In caso di mancanza o scarsa disponibilità di un prodotto ordinato, la Jewit srl, avvertirà tempestivamente il cliente comunicando anche gli eventuali tempi di reperibilità , fatta salva la facoltà per il cliente di annullare l’ordinazione.
The company may decide to renounce the sale by returning the amount paid in the days immediately following and in any case no later than ten days from the order. In agreement with Jewit srl it will be able to replace the ordered product.
On certain products, Jewit srl reserves the right to accept orders by reducing their quantities, subject to communication and acceptance by the Customer, failing which the order will be considered canceled.
Tutti i prezzi presenti nel sito sono da intendersi comprensivi di IVA Italiana. Spese di spedizione escluse. I Prezzi non includono eventuali tasse, dazi e imposte applicabili nei paesi di destinazione diversi dall’ITALIA. L’IVA Italiana viene assolta tramite rappresentante fiscale italiano.
Jewit Srl reserves the right to change prices online at any time, without prior notice. The price change will not lead to customer claims.
Incorrect prices may be posted on the site. Once the customer has placed the order, the price can no longer be changed by the seller but also in this case the seller's right to refuse the order remains unaffected.

To purchase our products you can choose between different payment methods:

- Payment by credit card
- Payment by bank transfer in advance
- Payment with Paypal
– Payment by cash on delivery

Payment by credit card.

Payment is made by credit card. After confirming the order on the website www.brandgioielli.com, your order will be in progress.

Payment by bank transfer in advance
Payment is made by bank transfer in advance. After confirming the order, the data necessary to make the transfer will be released with the relative amount of the order just confirmed. As soon as the transfer is received, the staff can begin preparing your order. We recommend that you specify the order number in the subject of the transfer to facilitate its management. the order will be pending until the bank transfer is received.

Payment with Paypal
Payment is made via Paypal. After confirming the order on the website www.brandgioielli.com, your order will be in progress.

Payment by cash on delivery
Payment will be made in cash upon delivery, with a €4.50 cash on delivery fee

Withdrawals and Delivery
By placing the order, the customer undertakes to collect the goods by courier selected by us according to the agreed rates and charged at the time of order.
In any case, the collection by courier takes place in the name and on behalf of the end customer at our office.

Deliveries are made during normal working hours to the address indicated by the User and in the manner specified in the order summary.
In case of non-collection within the deadline established by the carrier, the products will be returned to the Owner. The Owner cannot be held responsible for errors in delivery due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in completing the purchase order by the User, for damage that may have occurred to the Products after delivery to the carrier or for delays in delivery to the latter imputable.

Right of withdrawal
Il Cliente ha diritto di recedere dal contratto stipulato, senza alcuna penalità e senza specificarne il motivo, entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento del prodotto.
Il Cliente potrà esercitare il diritto di recesso comunicandolo (entro il suddetto termine) telefonicamente al Servizio Clienti al numero 0549 963403 dal Lunedi al venerdì dalle 9 alle 13:30 – dalle 14.30 alle 17.00. Oppure scrivendo all’indirizzo e-mail [email protected]
Il Cliente ha diritto di recedere dal contratto a condizione che il prodotto sia restituito integro.  I prodotti vanno restituiti nella confezione originale, integra, non aperta e non manomessa, con sigilli intatti, all’interno dell’imballo originale, all’indirizzo: Jewit srl via dei Cerri 32 – Serravalle – 47899
Republic of San Marino
Upon its arrival at the warehouse, the product will be examined to assess any damage and / or tampering not caused by transport.
The return of the product through the announced exercise of the Right of Withdrawal involves the reimbursement of the amount of the purchased product. The direct cost of returning (COSTO DEL CORRIERE per restituire il pacco) is always charged to the consumer.
Jewit S.r.l. nel più breve tempo possibile e comunque al massimo entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento della merce a magazzino autorizzerà il rimborso al Cliente delle somme versate. Le spese di ritiro resteranno definitivamente a carico del Cliente.
For the purposes of the return, the shipment, until the certificate of receipt in our establishment, is under the complete responsibility of the Customer. The Company is not liable in any way in cases of damage, theft, loss of goods returned by shipments not insured by the Customer for the return of goods.

These conditions refer both to personal data collected through our website www.brandgioielli.com and to personal data collected directly in the company or through other indirect contact methods.
Con la Sua registrazione dell’ordine Lei accetta integralmente i termini e condizioni qui riportate e acconsente al fatto che la ditta Jewit srl possa trattare i Suoi dati personali per l’erogazione dei servizi per i quali la stessa è prevista.
Ref. Art. 8 of the Law 23 May 1995, n. 70, promulgated by the Captains Regent of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino regarding the protection of personal data.
(Prescrizioni)Chiunque venga interpellato per la raccolta di dati personali destinati ad applicazioni informatiche deve essere reso edotto: a) delle finalità perseguite dalla raccolta dei dati; b) del carattere obbligatorio o facoltativo delle risposte; c) delle conseguenze, nei propri confronti, dell’eventuale mancata risposta; d) della destinazione delle informazioni raccolte, che può essere pubblica, riservata o estesa a terzi ben individuati; e) dell’esistenza del diritto, garantito per legge, di accesso e di rettifica dei dati raccolti.
L’informativa è resa solo per il presente sito internet e non anche per altri siti internet eventualmente consultati dall’utente tramite link presenti su questo sito. Visitando il presente sito internet, si dichiara implicitamente di avere compreso ed accettato le modalità di trattamento descritte nella presente informativa sulla privacy. La società Jewit srl via dei Cerri 32 – Serravalle – 47899  – Rep.  San Marino (SM)  in persona del suo legale rappresentante pro-tempore è titolare del trattamento dei dati suddetti.
I Suoi dati personali saranno trattati nel rispetto della disciplina di legge e secondo gli scopi qui indicati. Il trattamento sarà improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità e trasparenza e di tutela della Sua riservatezza. Le modalità del trattamento prevedono l’utilizzo di strumenti manuali, informatici e telematici (ivi compresi telefax, telefono, anche senza assistenza di operatore, posta elettronica, SMS ed altri sistemi informatici e/o automatizzati di comunicazione).
Jewit srl collects and processes personal data of interested parties for the provision of services for which registration is required, the execution of the obligations deriving from the contractual relationships established with you or for the performance of pre-contractual activities, in particular: management of clientele; fulfillment of accounting and tax obligations; litigation management; marketing activities and detection of the degree of customer satisfaction. The provision of the data requested for these purposes is not mandatory but necessary and the refusal to supply them makes it impossible for Jewit srl to establish and execute the relationships in question.
The personal data provided by visitors who send requests for information will be used for the purpose of completing the request.
The personal data of those who subscribe to the newsletters and of those who (by registering on the website or providing their consent in any other way) generally consent to our marketing activities will be used for the sole purpose of performing the service or performance requested and will be kept for the duration of the service or until there is no legally relevant interest in their conservation.
If you are already our customer, we will be able to send commercial communications relating to services and products similar to those you have already used, unless you disagree.
In the event that the user wishes to make a request for a quote or a commercial transaction with the portal, additional information will be requested from him in order to process and process the requesting user's transaction. The company Jewit srl uses the e-mail address to send the confirmation of the request or transaction and, if necessary, other information may be used to contact the user in order to obtain some data necessary in processing his request or transaction. The company Jewit srl can also use the contact details to: send the user a message that summarizes the data of the confirmation of the transaction and of the possible shipment of products and that provides further information regarding the same; communicate to the user special offers and promotions in accordance with the provisions of this privacy statement; send the user periodic surveys relating to the degree of satisfaction or market research. The user can revoke the consent given for sending marketing communications at any time. The user can also revoke the consent given for participation in surveys.
The End User declares to authorize Jewit srl to communicate and / or disseminate the data provided by him and entered in the database to other subjects as long as for the same purposes for which they were collected.
The processing of data for the achievement of the aforementioned purposes is handled by internal or external technical personnel (partners, employees, collaborators in charge of processing) and / or by third parties appointed by us (or delegated by state legislation) to provide the functional services. the execution of the relationships in question. These subjects may be based in San Marino or abroad in the European Union - United States of America - Switzerland and provide services such as: hosting - email provider - mailing-list and newsletter management - management software - software to improve the user experience of the site - consultancy and fiscal and administrative management - transport - banking services - etc.).
For more information, the data controller can be contacted at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to obtain the indication: a) of the origin of the personal data b) of the purposes and methods of the treatment; c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the owner, of the managers and of the designated representative; e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as designated representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents.
The interested party has the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment is proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
L’interessato ha diritto di opporsi, in tutto o in parte: a) per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta; b) al trattamento di dati personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o di vendita diretta o per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale. Lei potrà esercitare i Suoi diritti sopra indicati nonché chiedere qualsiasi informazione in merito alla nostra policy di tutela dei dati personali inviando una comunicazione all’indirizzo sopra indicato o inviando una e-mail a: [email protected]
This information may be subject to changes with indication of the modification date on this same page. We therefore invite users to view it at each new access.
Finally, we remind you that the site also uses third-party cookies to improve navigation. Read the relevant information on:

Age requirements
Users declare to be of age according to the legislation applicable to them. Furthermore, the User who makes the purchase through Jewit srl declares and guarantees that whoever will receive the shipment of the purchased products is of age according to the legislation applicable to the latter.